Crisis Shelter & Project Choice

The Y.E.S. House Crisis Shelter is available to youth ages 10 to 17 and their families on a 24-hour basis. While at the Crisis Shelter, youth continue to attend school, participate in corrective thinking and life skills groups, study time, volunteer in the community, and do chores. The average length of stay at the crisis shelter is 6 to 10 days.

Family Involvement
Parents do not relinquish any of their parental rights while their child is placed at the Crisis Shelter. The intent of a time-out period is to provide an opportunity for all family members to regroup, re-evaluate, and resolve the issues and conflicts that resulted in the need to access a placement with our facility.

The Y.E.S. House Crisis Shelter is a successful and confidential program that can often help prevent children and families from becoming involved in the court system.


Brittni Swan

Crisis Shelter

Project Choice: Used primarily with youth with suicide risk/depression